The International Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference (MTE Conference) will take place in Geneva on 5-6 October 2020, supported by MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, a global leader in transport and logistics, headquartered in the Swiss city. Aimed at promoting positive momentum around sustainability issues in the maritime industry, the conference will bring together leading players in research, technology and innovation, as well as key players in maritime transport. The focus will be on current practices around efficiency and big ideas for the future around environmental performance and the use of alternative fuels and technologies.
The Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference (MTE Conference) is pleased to welcome MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company as Lead Partner for the conference to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 5-6 October 2020.
«We are proud to welcome MSC as our Lead Partner », says Bernard Schopfer, the organiser of the conference. « Our objective is to bring together stakeholders involved in maritime transport technology, create a positive dynamic around sustainability issues, encourage and promote innovation and new developments aimed at improving the environmental balance sheet and reducing operating costs. MSC’s participation is a strong message for the entire shipping industry: sustainable development is at the heart of everyone’s concerns and it is essential to get involved.»
Founded in 1970 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company is a global leader in shipping and logistics. Present in 155 countries, MSC has evolved from a one vessel operation into a globally-respected business with a fleet of 520 vessels and more than 70,000 employees, including more than 1100 in its Geneva headquarters. MSC’s shipping line sails on more than 200 trade routes, calling at over 500 ports and is part of the MSC Group of companies which also includes MSC Cruises.
“As a responsible company with a longstanding passion for the sea, we are proud of our role in facilitating global trade, connecting people and goods, and of our efforts to do all this in a sustainable way,” said Bud Darr, Executive Vice President Maritime Policy & Government Affairs at MSC Group. “MSC is currently implementing the largest container fleet investment program in our industry in order to help improve efficiency and lower the supply chain carbon footprint of our customers – which range from global companies to governments and inter-governmental agencies. We support long-term global policy goals to decarbonise shipping and we welcome events such as MTE Conference where actors from across the shipping, engineering and technology sectors can come together to share ideas on how to make maritime transport even more efficient. As one of the largest private sector employers in Geneva, headquartered in Switzerland since 1978, we are delighted that our home city is the venue for this important new event.”
The Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference is open to all stakeholders in maritime transport and motorboats concerned about their environmental impact and determined to reduce their operating costs, as well as technology developers, governing bodies, students and NGOs.
In addition to MSC, the provisional agenda also includes contributions from SGS, the United Nations, Leclanché, Shell, Lloyd’s Register, CGN, the Smart Green Shipping Alliance and many more.